When you get a voice call, no matter what application you're in, you always have instant access to it. Why getting a new message should be different on your phone?
FS Message application shows incoming text message on full screen instantly when it comes. You've heard incoming message sound? Just take the phone out of your pocket to see the message on the screen already.
Too busy to check your phone screen? No problem, the program can read aloud the sender's name or the entire incoming message to your phone loudspeaker or headset using text-to-speech engine.
If the text message is too large and does not fit the screen you can scroll it up and down. Additionally it shows all unread messages and you can switch between them very fast with left/right keys.
You can mark the message as read, reply it, call back to the sender, delete the message or open it in messaging application.
Features include:
Shows message in full screen
Can read the sender's name or the entire incoming message aloud when it comes.
Supports 4 levels of message zoom
Large fonts suitable for people with weak eyesight can be used to display a message
Supports message scrolling
Shows all unread messages
Mark message as read, reply, call back, and delete
Service based application – works in background and is absolutely transparent to the user
How it works
When you get a voice call, no matter what application you're in, you always have instant access to it. Why getting a new message should be different on your phone?
FS Message application shows incoming text message on full screen instantly when it comes. You've heard incoming message sound? Just take the phone out of your pocket to see the message on the screen already.
To start FS Message service you need just to activate it. When the service is activated all incoming messages will be shown instantly on your screen as soon as they come. When the service is activated there is no need to keep the configuration application opened. You can close it not to waste your device memory.
If the text message is too large and does not fit the screen you can use cursor keys to scroll it up/down.
You can mark the message as read, reply it, call back to the sender, delete the message or open it in messaging application.
If you have more than one unread message you can switch between them using left/right cursor keys.
Press Dismiss button to hide FS Message service window (and hide it from TaskMan) until new message arrives.
Text-to-speech functionality
To read messages aloud the application uses Text-to-speech engine built into compatible Series 60 mobile phones. This service is available only for the selected phones where the application is preinstalled.
You can configure Text-to-speech settings using "Speech" application which can be found on your phone (some phones may not have it).
You can download additional languages and voices, set volume and speaking rate here.
You can also download it from Nokia website: http://europe.nokia.com/A4286225
Auto read aloud: if this option is enabled the program will read the incoming message or a sender's name aloud when it comes.
Read aloud delay: the amount of time to pass from incoming message time to when it's going to be read aloud (in order not to interfere with playing message tone).
Message zoom: 4 levels of message zooming.
Message from text: the text that will be converted to speech and played when you have an incoming message. E.g. "Message from", "You have incoming message from", etc. You can set up any phrase you like.
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